
Assist all on various ways to survive the recession.

SADI4U supports, assists, and equips Job Hunters and guide some to establish lucrative businesses, despite the current poor economy.

This is a non profit effort to assist people and we work in conjunction with other similar institutions to obtain maximum advantages for you.


Job Portal

Job hunters register FREE OF CHARGE

We are doing our best to promote our applicants as much as possible.

Recruiters have difficulties in affording Job Portals due to the prices and contracts they have to sign for long period of times. Subsequently many of them had to leave the industry.

In an endeavor to get them back to assist you to obtain jobs, we are doing our utmost to provide this service at an extremely affordable price WITHOUT CONTRACTS.

We, however, need as many applicants on this site as possible to make it sustainable for them to use this function. Your assistance to recruit as many as possible applicants will, therefore, also of benefit to you


Earn an income from this site

In an endeavor to finance this venture, we have certain benefits that we make available to business at very affordable prices to cover the expenses of this initiative to ensure that we reach our goals.

Any member can earn commission on certain functions used by businesses.

We emphasize that membership of SADI4U is free of charge.

Currently we have offer commission on any unique webpage any member recruit for us.

We are working on the English side to accommodate those candidates as well.


Starting Your Own Business

As you are aware, many people are unable to obtain jobs and have no other option than creating an income for themselves.

Running a business require additional knowledge and skills. We will do our utmost to assist these people to obtain that knowledge and get exposure in your communities.

This is also a FREE SERVICE until we are able to establish an affordable rate, which will enable us to render a more professional service.

A lot of functions, from which you will benefit, have been developed and will be made available as soon as we are able to do so.


Business unique webpage

A proper functioning website is of great benefit to any business but it is relatively expensive to develop one, let alone to maintain and keep it up to date.

On SADI4U you are able to describe your business properly, load your logo including all your products/services, descriptions, pictures prices and link to social media and to your YouTube videos, etc. These can be maintained as frequently as required.

The site creates an unique site with a unique link. You can distribute the link as it is or it is possible to register your own domain, which is very inexpensive and request your service provider to redirect to the link generated by SADI4U website.


Job Hunting

Many might not find jobs and will have to start their own initiatives to survive.

This is not always that easy as there are many factors in business, which can jeopardize your endeavors by making small unintentional mistakes.

We are also covering this the same programs on Radio Eendrag.

This is currently in Afrikaans bur we realise that English speaking job seekers will also benefit from similar programs. We will do our utmost to upload such podcasts to our YouTube channel

Depending on the demand we will investigate more options


Future Development

SADI4U is an ongoing effort and we value your input. It is crucial to determine and consider small business requirements for future development of more advanced software packages. Your active participation on our website forum will guide us in determining the most important requirements.

Far too much money is spent on irrelevant theoretical issues. We will work with what is practical and really necessary, and keep you posted.